
Simple jQuery and CSS3 Slideshow Tabs

A slideshow and tabs is pretty common nowadays in any modern website. There is a ton of way to do this and many free and paid tools available for this feature. This make it very easy to create and it will always amaze people who see it. Basically, we will need at least Javascript to do this, CSS to style the slideshow and tabs as we wanted, and then finally the special HTML markup which make it possible. There is also a slideshow which make use of Flash.

The solution I tried to made right now is a very simple and basic one. It make use of simple jQuery to catch the click event and switching tabs, as well as the slideshow, the CSS to style it as much as we wanted and a simple HTML markup in one unordered list.

Best practice to clearing default text with jQuery

Having default text that we later removed when retrieving user input is common in today’s website. Many web developer use this to enhance usability of the website, so user know what to type in what field. There is a lot of way to do this, using both focus and blur event. For example, this is the shortest and easiest way that is commonly used:


<input type="text" id="example-field" name="example-field" value="Your name" onfocus="if (this.value=='Your name') this.value=''" onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='Your name'" />

However, this approach will be a pain when you are managing a lot of input fields. You will need to type the default text three times, which can lead to a trivial typo. Also, since we check againts the default value, we will not be able to accept this value. Here is the solution, by using the simplicity and power of jQuery, this is a clean and a better way to do this.

Blog redesign

Welcome to my new redesigned blog! It’s been a year and a half since the last time I changed the design. I have always wanted to change it, but I just always don’t have enough time. 🙂 I know I’m not that good enough in designing, but at least, this is the best design I ever made until now!

The idea behind this design is, to make a simple, usable layout and still looks beautiful. There is a lot of tutorial on the web that helped me when making this. I try to make the website small in size, so you’ll able to load it fast enough. There is also a cool trick on the background, which still make the markup small without much wrapping div over div to accomplish the effect. I also realize the importance on social networking nowadays, so I add links to some of my account. 🙂